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Eat of His Flesh and Drink of His Blood

FRF Web • July 27, 2022

His words are Spirit and Life!

Welcome back brothers and sisters!

Here we are once again, and always by the grace of the Lord our God.  Before we go over a few things from our last gathering, let us take a moment to give God our Father thanks, through the Lord Jesus Christ, for His great longsuffering towards each of us.  His love is beyond what we can fully grasp it's so magnificent, and He has chosen to show it to us...Glorious is He!  Let us also remember that our time in prayer should also be one of reverence and solemnity.  Remember Isaiah as he found himself in the before the Lord in Isaiah chapter 6?  His glory is so amazing and Holy, that we should always remember to treat being in His presence with the utmost reverence.

Saturday night was one to rejoice in, as we got to share in several testimonies in how Christ is working in each of our lives.  We were witness to see how the Lord has set a new baby in the direction of a life lived in a faithful home, a believer who found his way back into the household of God to be able to worship with the brothers and sisters and a brother that greatly encouraged all of us that no matter how long we have been believers, all of us face the same temptations and still sin sometimes.  However, when we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father who always lives to intercede on our behalf, so always humble yourself and go to the Lord seeking forgiveness and confessing your sins.  God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness!  (1 John 1:9)

Pastor Scott also continued in his series in the Gospel of John, chapter 6.  He touched back a few verses from 6:41 and we went on through verse 66 this week.  (John 6:41-66) Here is where we see one of the most misunderstood sections of scripture, and as Pastor Scott pointed out, as unbelievers we often might have thought when Jesus said to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood....He was talking about cannibalism!  Thankfully that isn't the case, and the Lord even points out later in the chapter, verse 63, what His words mean!  This is just to name the biggest thing to catch our attention however, as always a simple blog post can't do just to the Pastor's sermon.  So....we very much encourage you to watch this week's video, check what's being taught to scripture for yourself...always a must.  Then, please share and invite others to come and hear the Gospel, come and know Christ Jesus, come and worship God together.  The most important thing we can do is tell the truth to someone, the Gospel is always going to be offensive to those who are perishing, all the more reason we should desire to see them saved!  It's the Lord who does the saving, not us, so let's trust Him and preach the Gospel...in season and out, amen?

Don't forget to visit us here online, we have various services available, volunteer opportunities, and you can also contact us right through our website here as well.  Our past sermons can also be seen all through here, each blog post has the sermon for that week (As well as our YouTube channel).  We hope to see you in person each Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal afterward, and until we meet again...let's go serve our King!

FRF Team

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