Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back beloved family of God!
We are thankful that this very day we are able to give praise, thanksgiving and honor to the Lord our God in Jesus Christ. He is risen, and at the right hand of the Father right now, forever interceding on behalf of His chosen people. Let's always remember to start, live throughout and end our day with our hearts and minds focused on Christ, that we may not walk in the flesh but in the Spirit..amen!
We are please to be back to share the next video with everyone, and our Pastor Scott has taken great care in presenting us the truth...that is the Gospel! He continues in his series in the Gospel of John, and this time around we cover the healing of the paralytic at the pool of bethesda in John 5:1-30. Just a side note, as a quick point of history, the legend of that pool and the mention of the healing waters being stirred up, are a legend associated with the greco-roman god "Asclepius" and it's encouraging to see that during the interaction between Jesus and the paralytic man, the bible doesn't give any credence to the waters being stirred up by an angel sent by God....rather instead, the focal point is on Jesus and the fact that is He alone is the one who heals, and proves it by doing so. We are also reminded that He is the Lord of the Sabbath, and that God healing on the Sabbath shows how far mankind had taken His law and twisted it that they would accuse the Lord of the Sabbath of breaking it!
There is a wealth of truth that is found in Christ alone, and today as then, we still need Him to show us how much we still do not understand, that we may humble ourselves under His mighty hand. There is an article that we encourage you to visit, from GotQuestions that gives a good bit of background information about this diving meeting between Jesus and the paralytic, and you can click here to visit it as well. GotQuestions is also filled with many questions and answers that can be found quite helpful in our walk in the Spirit, so be sure to check them out!
We also have postponed our VBS for the kids and will release the date once we have something firm in mind. Don't forget to revisit our past sermons right here on the website and share them with only takes 1 time that someone could be saved when they hear the Gospel. We hope to see you next Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal and until we next meet, let's go serve our King!
FRF Team