Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back brothers and sisters!
What a joy to share each week with you, Saturday nights are very often used by this world as a reason to "let loose and party", yet you have chosen your Saturday nights to prepare for the ultimate party....the wedding feast of the Lamb of God! Thank you all for being with us each week.
We have another video of last Saturday, and our gathering together to worship Jesus our King. Pastor Scott has begun in Ephesians, where we will be for sometime coming, so much treasure to be found in Ephesians too! Our passage for last week's sermon was Ephesians 1:1-2, the greeting, but as Pastor Scott shows us, there is so much more in Paul's greetings than we realize. We are sure you will enjoy reliving this sermon if you were here, or experiencing it for the first time. Don't just stay at the surface, scratch the surface and you will find endless treasure beneath in the Word of God.
Each Saturday at 7pm we have the great honor of joining together in worship, fellowship and of course a meal. God has blessed us immensely with all who share with us, and we hope to continue sowing to the spirit that we may reap eternal life together. We always enjoy when anyone comes up to give testimony to the wonderful work Christ has done in their lives, and invite you to do so as well each week. We also have many other services available to anyone who is interested and encourage you to take a look and come with. Without further ado, here is our last gathering, and we hope to see you at the next one. Everyone here is family and we love that about God, He joins together everyone from all walks of life into a beautiful harmony.
See you next time, God Bless!
FRF Team