Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back brothers and sisters,
Our latest video, our beloved Pastor finishes up in chapter 4 of Ephesians. It has been a very enlightening journey through just this chapter alone, and the good news is, we have so much more we get to learn over the course of our lives. However, for now we finish up in this chapter, closing out on what true righteous indignation looks like, how we are unable to do it, yet Christ is thankfully. It doesn't end there though, as the Lord gives us the way to live, not letting the day end in anger, keep unwholesome speech from your lips, don't steal, build up our brethren with edifying words. We also put away all bitterness, refrain from quarrels, slander, wrath, but instead be kind, compassionate and forgiving, just as God forgave us in Christ. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but when we look closely the Lord is showing us how to shut the devil out, and not grieve God's heart by giving in to temptation and sin. He is showing us and molding us into the image of Christ! We also see all of this in Galatians as well, when Paul writes to the church regarding the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the flesh.
Pastor Scott also reminded us the foundational meaning of being sealed with the Holy Spirit of God. Brothers and sisters, when we belong to God, we really belong to God, through and through. That is a great deal of good news, relief, reason to jump for joy and much more, as being sinners, we'd surely lose ourselves if we were ever responsible for our own salvation. Fortunately, the Lord has everything in His hands alone, praise and glory be! We really encourage you to watch the video, as Pastor Scott delves deeper than this posting can go. Surely you will be blessed by the sharing of the Gospel!
We also want to thank everyone, as each week you continue to fill up the seats to standing room to hear the Gospel, share in fellowship and share in the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank God for each of you and pray for all that come, and those who have yet to come into the fold. Every Saturday at 7pm, worship, fellowship and a meal is available, and invite everyone to come...don't forget a friend...or enemy! Don't forget to visit us right here on our website as well, looking through our various services available, that we may help you in any way we can. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time, you are loved by God, and by us here at Faith Recovery Fellowship.
Remember the promises of God, they are forever true in Christ. By the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can have His Salvation gifted to us, when we place our faith in the Lord Jesus. Don't let the sun set, or even take another step without knowing for certain that you belong to the Lord.
Until next time, blessings to you!
FRF Team