Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back beloved family of God!
Another week has come and go, and that just means we are yet closer to the day of the resurrection! May the Lord not tarry, and come again soon... Until He does though, we are called preach the Gospel in season and out, we should be doing what the Lord of the House commands of us while we wait for Him to return..amen!
With that preface, part of what we do is work with all of you, we are together in our serving of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is a great blessing and honor to do so. We very much enjoy sharing testimonies, meals, worship and of course...the Gospel! This week we start into a new series, as we finished up in Philippians we began...well in the beginning! Pastor Scott started a new series that parallels both John 1:1-5 and Genesis 1 together, and it is fantastic. When we take time to look intently upon the Word, we can see our creator Jesus Christ, in the beginning as He made all things. There is so very much to dive into and we greatly encourage that you watch this week's video and really focus upon the Lord. He is glorious!
We also want to take a few moments to thank the Euthus House and the brother Mike, as they spent 6 weeks together building models cars. The ministry was about building relationships together as the course of the 6 weeks went on, and was a very good picture of how we spend time with the Lord and grow our relationship with Him. Please take a look at the picture, for the winner of the model car contest as well as how you might be able to look into a ministry of your own with others. Of course, the Gospel is first and foremost in all that we do, and we want to thank the Lord for the great work He did in the Euthus House and our beloved brother Mike.
We also encourage you to visit us right here for all means of services, contact and sermons to build each other up in our most Holy faith. Until we meet next Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a meal, we bid you Godspeed to do the will of the Lord!
FRF Team