Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome, welcome and welcome brothers and sisters! New visitors, we welcome you with open arms and pray that you will stay for the wonderful fellowship we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every single day we have, is a blessing beyond what we know and though it sometimes seems very hard, the Lord gives us strength beyond imagining. Paul prayed for us, that we would be strengthened in Christ, in the inner man, and brothers, sisters...I tell you the truth when I say, the bible is true on this subject.
This past Saturday was phenomenal, so many of you joined us for worship, fellowship, and a fantastic meal! We also welcomed back Pastor Scott from his brief time away from the pulpit, praise God for his return. He picked right back up where we were studying in Ephesians, this week was chapter 3:14-21. This section really speaks to the love Paul had for God, and fellow partakers in Christ. He prayed so fervently for the brethren, and as Pastor Scott takes us through this section, we can really see how much God cares for us, strengthens us, gives us perseverance to the very end, and all of this in Christ, by His Spirit, when we ask. It simply amazes and humbles, when one thinks about how the God of all creation, bends His ear to hear His children. With that said, we really encourage you to take some time to watch last weekend's sermon, and ask of God yourself for the very things He says He gives, that we may do His will with so much joy.
We also encourage you to visit us right here on our website, or in person. We have many services and opportunities available for everyone, we aim to serve by way of the Lord, and we truly care for you. Come, join us and fellowship with us, that you may see for yourself that the Lord our God deeply loves you and longs to mold you into the image of His beloved Son....what better is there, than to be like Christ? Worship, fellowship and a meal to share, every Saturday at 7pm!
Until next time, may the Lord bless and keep you,
FRF Team