Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back beloved of God!
As we begin this short month of February, it's a reminder that our lives are but a for a time, then no more. Those in the Lord however, will live forevermore! Our time here on this earth is still of great importance though, as we are called to deliver a message of life, hope and forgiveness from the greatest love! God is good, and every week He brings us together in a whole manner of ways to build us up in our most holy faith. When we gather for the message of the Gospel, share that message, share a meal in fellowship and testify of His grace and mercy, by the way of His Son....these are the very building blocks of living for Christ. The Spirit of God will always point us to Christ...always! That is an amount of love like no other! Fortunately for us, God is Sovereign and no matter is too trivial or hard a thing for Him to do, praise be.
This past weekend, our beloved Pastor Scott continued into Philippians, guiding us truthfully and honorably into the meaning of what the Lord inspired through the Apostle Paul. The very things we see in Philippians 4:1-9, is a call to what was just written in the previous chapter, and also as a "come and follow me" call that the Lord gave to His disciples. We are called to meditate upon the Word, when we rise or lay down, when we come and go, in all that we do. To think on these things is no new commandment, but one that has been said since the beginning. We also would do well to remember, that we are never called to Christian life as a "lone wolf", no we are to gather together with the sheep, as the Good Shepherd leads us unto green pastures and still waters. We are here for one another, let us continue in these things dear brothers and sisters. Surrendering your life to Christ is the only way to live life. A closer walk with God, is only a step away.
Don't forget to visit us here on our website, where you can see the various services that are available as well as...come on down and worship with us! We have the best message...the Gospel! Share a meal with us each week on Saturdays, starting at 7pm. Don't forget that the Lord Jesus Christ, came for all us sinners, before Him we were Him, we are restored unto God.
Until next we meet, we encourage you to watch last week's video right here, or click the link inside the video and it will take you right to our YouTube channel where you can subscribe to see each time we upload a new video.
May the Lord bless you, with the message of the Gospel, to all in need of hearing,
FRF Team