Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back beloved!
We are beyond blessed to have a Lord and God that loves us the way He alone does. We want to share that wonderful blessing with all of you, and as Peter once said "Gold and Silver have I none, but that which I do have, freely do I give to you...." The Gospel is greater than any gold or silver, far greater than any precious gem, and it has been given to us in great abundance by the grace and mercy of the Lord our God through His Son Jesus Christ, and we desire to share it with you.
Thank you for coming back week after week, and throughout the week in the various means we have all gathered in, in worship of Christ Jesus. This past Saturday we finished up in the letter to the Ephesians, Pastor Scott took us the the last verses of Chapter 6, verses 10-24. He went step by step, verse by verse explaining the context of what each meant, and how it all worked together as a whole. When we walk, are we clothed? Are we protected? If so, by what are we donned in? We humbly ask that you would take some time today and watch, or revisit even, today's video. We need to work together in the Body of Christ to build one another up, and make sure we aren't trying to live the Christian life all by our lonesome. We also need to make sure that we ourselves are properly attired in the whole armor of God. Are you today dressed in the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit?
These are all things that the Lord has given us, that we may walk in the light and do the will of God while we remain in this evil world. Surely we mustn't take lightly what this world is capable of, and we need to be protected by all means in Spiritual armor. We encourage you to also visit us right here on our website, contact us at any time, for we have much to offer to those in need. Don't forget to join us each Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and of course....a meal! You can also bring a friend, or twelve!
God Bless dear brothers and sisters, and welcome new friends!
FRF Team