Euthus House wants to offer a special thank you to Tani Morris!
Welcome back dear brothers, and sisters!
We so grateful that each of you come back to worship the Lord with us, week after week. We are also so thankful to share in many of the other studies, meetings, and more with you that goes beyond our Saturday gatherings. Each time we remember you all, we thank God for what He is doing, what He has done, and continue to pray for what He is doing yet within our congregation. To serve the Lord, truly does bring peace, joy, love, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, patience and self control! The bible declares this to be, as we live and walk in the Spirit, and the Lord always keep His Word!
We have been back in Ephesians as of the last couple of weeks, since Pastor Scott has recovered from feeling unwell (Praise God!), and Saturday we continued Ephesians 5, our verses being 21-33. Pastor Scott is faithful and honest in wanting to not only understand what the bible's message was to it's target audience when written, but in how we apply it in our lives today. Take that, coupled with faithfully delivering the Lord's message to His people and we have a Pastor we can trust to preach the bible as it ought to be. This last weekend was a good example at the great work the Lord does in His under-shepherds and His sheep. So often, especially in western culture, we have taken certain meanings and adapted them to our culture rather than us adapting to what the bible says. This is very much shown in the way we treat marriage and show our understanding in how the marital order of things are to be. Pastor Scott shows us in the latest video what it means for Husbands to love their wives, and for wives to respect their husbands. It is certainly not a case of a husband putting his wife under his thumb, but to love her sacrificially, that he would reflect the way Christ loves His church, while also showing what it means for wives to respect their husbands because they love her so deeply. Suffice to say, this passage gives us a good in depth look at how the relationship from church to Jesus ought to be, because of how deeply He loves His bride ( The Church).
We really encourage you to take some time out of your day to revisit last Saturday's message, to watch it for the first time, and to share it for the 20th time (sharing is caring, ha ha). We truly love you brothers and sisters, and we aim to serve you faithfully, as we serve the Lord faithfully. Don't forget that we do offer a great deal of services, which you can see right here on our site, as well as contact us in the same manner. We also hope to see you next Saturday at 7pm for worship, fellowship and a wonderful meal. The Almighty Lord Jesus, provides for everything we need...let us all together honor Him, by obeying Him. Love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, amen!
Blessings to you,
FRF Team